SRC, NUS and On Dit Results

Filed under: , , , by: M Robin

Posted: 8th of September

SRC President: Ash Lustica (Activate)
General Secretary: Helen Chandwick (Indy-Go)
Education Officer: Sam Deere (Activate - Elected Unopposed)
Social Justice Officer: Bec Taylor (Indy-Go)
Welfare Officer: Hayden Tronnolone (Indy-Go)
Womens Officer: Sarah Anderson (Activate)
Ethno-Cultural Officer: Ramanathan Thurairajoo (Indy-Go)
Enviroment Officer: Joel Dignam (Indy-Go)
General Councillors: Dominic Mugavin (Indy-Go), Lara Ratcliff (Indy-Go), Andrew Anson (Innovate), Juan Legaspi (Innovate), Sarah Beer (Activate), Callum Deakin (Indy-Go), Ali Thompson (Indy-Go), Anna Ehmann (Activate)

NUS Delgates:
Lavinia Emmett-Grey (Independent), Andrew Anson (Unity), Timothy Picton (Unity), Sarah Anderson (NLS), Ashleigh Lustica (NLS), Jason Virgo (NLS)

On Dit Editors: Connor O'Brien, Myriam Robin, Mateo Szlapek-Sewillo

Update: Hayden Tronnolone unfortunately did not make the position of NUS delegate. It was Sarah Anderson who in fact was the third NLS delegate. Appologies to both of you.


On 9 September 2009 at 09:24 , drillvoice said...

Congratulations new On Dit team! I'll be tragically disappointed if you 'pay the piper' so to speak and display political partisanship, but I have faith in you.

On 9 September 2009 at 09:30 , M Robin said...

Thanks Joel.
We'd have a hard time 'paying the piper' to the Liberals, Labor Right, Internationals and Greens, but given that that wasn't in the original agreement, we aren't intending to.