Je Suis Désolé

Filed under: by: M Robin

Appologies are in order. The past four weeks have consisted of my barely treading water in a sea of coursework, and hence this blog has been postponed a few too many times in favour of, you know, ‘actual’ uni. That said, not to worry. You’re about to be inundated with a steady flow of news regarding both what I’ve missed reporting on, and any new developments that occur. And trust me, you’d do well to stay informed over the next few months. Student elections are almost upon us, with nominations opening early in term 3. These elections are shaping up to be some of the biggest in recent years, with Activate and IndyGo returning, a revitalized Pulse faction, and rumoured International and Liberal tickets forming. As well as the sheer breadth of candidates you’ll have to choose from, you’ll also get to vote on a new AUU constitution, select one of two different On Dit teams, and elect (hopefully) the first non-Board-appointed SRC since its formation two terms ago. As such, sit back and read about what I’m going to consider the start of campaign 2010.