Annual Meeting of the University Community Recap

Filed under: , by: M Robin

Once a year, the university holds a meeting for all interested parties, where it goes through the changes affecting the ‘university community’ (doesn’t it make you cringe?). This years meeting was held on the 16th of February. These were some of the most important things affecting students who are currently enrolled that came out of it

Move from December to March/April Graduations:
In response to a student’s question, the VC (Vice Chancellor James McWha) outlined the reason for the change. Increases in student numbers have made it increasingly difficult to get exam marks and other administrative issues ready in time for the December Graduations. This, needless to say, affects international students acutely, as they are now forced to either stick around in Adelaide, or travel to one of the few locations in Asia where the University of Adelaide conducts off-shore graduation ceremonies. Steps are being taken to ensure professional accreditations may still be completed in time to commence jobs in the New Year.

Student Services Fee:
In response to another question from a student, which asked how much of the $250 student services fee was to go to the student union, the VC artfully avoided giving a straight answer. He did however affirm that the fee would be used to support students, and that the legislation was quite clear in making the university responsible for how it was spent. For those who haven’t heard, the controversial $250 HECS-deferrable annual fee was introduced by the federal government in response to the deterioration of many campus services following Howard’s introduction of Voluntary Student Unionism (VSU) in 2005. You can expect to be charged the $250 come July.

Building Issues:
The new Engineering Building (being built on what used to be the Maths lawns, the scene of many an engie barbecue) should be finished by April 2010. A name was announced, but I am convinced I must have heard wrong (Innova 21- Unfortunately I was right. And I'm not the only one who hates it). There also exist plans to redevelop Hughes Plaza, making the central thoroughfare the central location for student services on the North Terrace campus (to be completed by 2011. The building process for this should be interesting: for one thing, student politicians will only have one area to campaign come election week. I predict lots of interesting things happening).

My full notes on the meeting can be found at here