"I Know What You Did Last Exec Meeting"

Filed under: , by: M Robin

From Presidents Report: Regarding the National Union of Students (NUS) Affiliation Fee, as approved at the AUU Executive Meeting, Fri 28th of November:

“The AUU was successful in getting a fee waiver from $54,000 down to $3300 including GST. This is a reasonable price, as the Sports Association pays $8000 per year to affiliate to its national body. Sydney University pays $70,000, and the University of Queensland has not been granted affiliation despite being willing to pay up to $30,000. Executive authorized this payment of $3,300.

Rule of AUU enacted pursuant to Clause 18 of AUU Constitution:
Section 4.2.2:
The Executive will approve unplanned expenditure of up to $2000 deemed essential for the normal operations of the AUU by the CEO and required urgently before the next meeting of the AUU Board. Once a decision to approve expenditure is made pursuant to this power, the CEO will cause all members of Board to be informed of the Executive’s decision as soon as is practicable.

For those who can't make sense of that, $3,300 > $2000 cap on executive spending.

Needless to say, this is the third irregularity concerning NUS. The first one concerned elections for delegates being cancelled, and the second, the sudden appointment of the current delegates. I'm not sure of the timeframe in which Board is usually informed of executive decisions, but they were not informed of this decision until the 10th of December, 12 days after the meeting.

Executive consists of Daniel Bills, Fletcher O’Leary, Aaron Fromm and Yasmin Freschi (absent), as well as AUU President Lavinia Emmett-Grey and AUU General Manager David Coluccio (i.e. CEO, non-voting, also absent). Of these four present voting members, Fletcher O'Leary, Daniel Bills and Lavinia Emmett-Grey are also NUS delegates.

The December AUU Board meeting dealt with the fallout. Will be posted up shortly.

Update: In the end, Sydney Uni was charged $110,000 for affiliation