Presidential (re-)Elections, Sexualidit style

Filed under: , , by: Hannah

As student politics is really boring stuff, despite what the people involved seem to think when they’re doing the headless-chicken-dance around campus, I’m going to make the most of this edition as a chance to ‘sex up’ what’s been going on a little, in the tradition of respectable newspapers like the New York Times.

After a disgustingly dirty battle of letter writing, acting presidents and the removal of the Kevin 07 block mount in the hallowed (and revoltingly green) Presidential office, the Union has a (hopefully) permanent President for the rest of this year. In a tense meeting of the Board on Thursday night in an undisclosed location on campus, David Wilkins and Lavinia Emmett-Grey went head-to-head for the only position left in the union that offers the money and power that all student politicians secretly crave.

As the vote counters and scrutineers sequestered themselves away in the next room to determine the fate of the Board for the rest of this year, talk of back room deals and intervention by the Australian National Union of Students abounded among those left to stew. At long last, we were rescued by the declaration that Lavinia Emmett-Grey is to hold the office of President until the end of next year, or at least until the next power coup. The vote was counted at ten votes to four, making it a secure power base for the time being.

The reports of all the office holders paled in comparison to the riveting drama of a presidential election, but even then there were some interesting snippets of information. In an exclusive report, On Dit can reveal that the University and the AUU are ‘very close’ to signing off on the funding agreement. The details of this agreement are suspiciously hush-hush, but there are enough rumours going around that this crack journalist could piece together some idea of what it contains. It involves the University giving the AUU money in exchange for letting the National Wine Centre run the food outlets around campus. (*gasp!* If you want to know a little more, look back a couple of issues to when I didn’t know what I wasn’t meant to say). This is clearly a deal to be watched closely.

All the affiliates claim to be moving along nicely with their agendas. This is clearly a good thing, but your AUU correspondent wonders just what will happen when these agendas collide with that of the Board, as will no doubt happen in the near future.